Wednesday, January 29

Big Signing - Luuk de Jong to Newcastle - Loan

Luuk de Jong

23 years old

6 ft 2 in

At FC Twente (2009-12)
76 games
39 goals

At Borussia Monchegladbach (2012-present)
36 games
6 goals

Newcastle have got Luuk on loan for the rest of the season. The Dutch international was outstanding for FC Twente, which is the reason Monchegladbach came in for the forward. However he failed to preform to the same standards as he did at FC Twente for Monchegladbach. You could say that Newcastle this season have been lacking in the attacking department this season and this is the reason Luuk was brought in. This was a deal both teams thought would be useful, and i believe that its defiantly a positive for Newcastle who I believe will get the best out of Luuk de Jong.
What do you think?

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